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Wypiór, reż. Jacek Jabrzyk, Teatr Syrena w Warszawie

8 zdjęć
Fot: Krzysztof Bieliński


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komentarze (2)
  • Użytkownik niezalogowany Fesicop11
    Fesicop11 2024-09-17   05:43:10

    Anyone who can juggle multiple tasks with ease will fit right in with the Papa's franchise. Your role in the papa's games series is to assist with the management of a restaurant. Stay on top of things, though; orders can add up rapidly. Receive orders, cook the dish, and ensure client satisfaction to earn generous gratuities.

  • Użytkownik niezalogowany madeline
    madeline 2024-06-19   11:27:00

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